Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Ruminating on JWT

JWT (JSON Web Token) has gained a lot of traction in the past couple of years and is slowly becoming the standard choice for all authentication and authorization communication.

The best way to learn about JWT is to head straight to their site -
I was impressed with the quality of the documentation. Core concepts were explained in a simple and lucid language. It took me days to understand SAML, whereas I could grasp even the complex concepts of JWT in minutes :)
Also we can store all authorization claims in the JWT payload, reducing the need to make another database call for checking authorization access levels.

But it is important to note that JWT specification does not talk about encrypting the payload - that is out of scope in the specification. You can encrypt the payload if you want it, but you would need to control the client/server code - i.e. JWT decoding libraries.

Since the JWT payload is not encrypted, it is of utmost important that JWTs are passed over TLS (HTTPS). Eran Hammer has written a good blog post on the perils of using a bearer token without TLS. A bearer token is called so because the 'bearer' - i.e. whoever holds the token is given all rights that the token would specify. A good analogy would be 'cash' - whoever has the cash can spend it, irrespective of who the rightful owner of that cash was.

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