Friday, March 25, 2022

Ruminating on Activation Function

 Activation functions play an important role in neural nets. An activation function transforms the weighted sum of the input into an output from a node. 

Simply put, an activation function defines the output of a neuron given a set of inputs. It is called "activation" to mimic the working of a brain neuron. Our neurons get activated due to some stimulus. Similarly the activation function will decide which neurons in our neural net get activated. 

Each hidden layer of a neural net needs to be assigned an activation function. Even the output layer of a neural net would use an activation function. 

The ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) function is the most common function used for activation. 

The ReLU function is a simple function: max(0.0, x). So essentially it takes the max of either 0 or x. Hence all negative values are ignored. 

Other activation functions are Sigmoid and Tanh. The sigmoid activation function generates an output value between 0 and 1. 

An excellent video explaining activation function is here -

The activation functions that are typically used for the output layer are Linear, Sigmoid (Logistic) or Softmax. A good explanation of when to use what is available here -

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