Tuesday, January 12, 2016

UX vs. UI

Found the following good articles that lay out the difference between UX and UI.


Snippet from the article -
"The intrigue is that a UX can exist and work very effectively having a poor UI. For example, you can have an application with a stunning design that is hairy to use (good UI, bad UX). You can also have an application that has a poor look and feel, but is very intuitive to use (poor UI, good UX)."

I have always been a fan of sketching and we often brainstorm on the whiteboard. The following link highlights the importance of sketching - http://uxmovement.com/wireframes/why-its-important-to-sketch-before-you-wireframe/

You can also download printer-friendly grid-based templates for mobile sketches - http://uxmovement.com/products/wireframe-sheets-sketch-your-user-interface-to-life/

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