Friday, October 02, 2020

Ruminating on Automation (RPA) Security Risks

 Intelligent automation & RPA can drive operational efficiencies at organizations and help boost the productivity of enterprise resources. But there is also a risk of cyber-attacks as bots introduce a new attack surface for hackers. 

Without proper measures, enterprises may face increased risk exposure due to bots. The following recommendations would enable organizations to mitigate the risk of such security attacks.

  1. Secure Vault: All credentials required by the bot to execute tasks on applications should be securely stored in a Vault (e.g. CyberArk or HashiCorp Vault). This ensures that the target application credentials are not stored by the bot and only accessed at runtime by the bot from the vault. 

  2. Least Privilege Access: bots should not be given a blanket access to perform all operations, but should be given only appropriate access as required for the automation usecases - e.g. many automation usecases would entail 'read-only' access to databases/applications. 

  3. Selecting appropriate Automation use-cases: While down-selecting automation usecases, it would be good to have 'Security Risk' as an parameter for assessment. If a bot needs admin access across multiple applications to perform critical business functions, then the organization can decide to NOT automate this usecase and handover the case to a knowledge worker. The bot can enable this smooth transition to humans (via a workflow or case management tool).

  4. Change Bot passwords/secure keys: As a security best practice, change the passwords and secure keys for the bots (and machines where bots run) regularly (e.g. once a month). 

  5. Security Testing of Bots: Ultimately bots are also software components and we need to make sure that the bots undergo both static code security analysis and runtime security testing. 

  6. Audit Trail & Proactive Monitoring: The automation framework should provide a detailed audit log of all bot activities. Each and every step executed by the bot should be available for forensic audit if required. Proactive monitoring of this audit log can also be automated to quickly alert users of any anomaly pattern or security breach. 

  7. Governance Framework - Last but not the least, it is important to setup a proper governance framework for bot lifecycle management. The governance framework should clearly define the roles and responsibilities and the proper process to be followed for the entire bot lifecycle. 

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