Thursday, December 01, 2016

Ruminating on non-blocking REST services

In a typical REST service environment, a thread is allocated to each incoming HTTP request for processing. So if you have configured your container to start 50 threads, then you can handle 50 concurrent HTTP requests and any additional HTTP request would be queued till a thread is free.

Today, using principles of non-blocking IO and reactive programming, we can break the tight coupling between a thread and a web request. The Servlet-3 specification also supports async requests as explained in this article - The core idea is to  delegate the long-running or asynchronous processing to another background thread (Task Executor), so that the HTTP handler threads are not starved.

One might argue that we are just moving the 'blocking thread' bottleneck from the HTTP threads to the backend thread pool (Task Executors). But this does result in better performance, as we can serve more HTTP clients.

The Spring MVC documentation on Async REST MVC is worth a perusal to understand the main concepts -

A good article that demonstrates how Sprint MVC can be used to build non-blocking REST services that call a backend service exposed via JMS - All the source code for this example is available here. One must understand the basics of Spring Integration framework to work with the above example.

The following discussion thread on StackOverFlow would also give a good idea on how to implement this -

The following blog-post shows another example using Spring Boot on Docker -

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