Monday, August 13, 2012

Ruminating on JSF

In the past, I always hated JSF, the same way I hated EJB 2.x. But of-late, I am seeing a renewed interest in JSF, especially since a lot of pain areas were resolved in the JSF 2.0 specification.

Over the last couple of days, I have been evaluating PrimeFaces - an opensource implementation of JSF 2.0 and I would say that I am pretty impressed. Going through the sample demo pages, I was mighty pleased with the neat and clean code on both the XHTML file and the POJO beans Java code.

Also PrimeFaces has a plethora of components that should suffice for 90-95% of all basic web application requirements.

In general, if you do not require heavy UI customization and can hence sacrifice absolute control over the generated HTML, CSS and JS, then I would say that using PrimeFaces would greatly increase the productivity of an average development team. IMHO, the productivity gain could be as high as 50% over doing the conventional plumbing using MVC frameworks and JQuery.

But if there is a special requirement that cannot be sufficed by the standard UI components provided by PrimeFaces, then you are in trouble. You would then need deeper expertise to write your own JSF component or customize existing ones.

Based on my study and the common challenges we faced, I am jotting down some FAQ's that should be useful for folks embarking on using PrimeFaces.

Q) How to manipulate JSF components on the client side using plain JS or JQuery? How to use JQuery JS API or any other JS library on the client side with JSF?

Q) How to include JS file or inline JS code in a JSF XHTML page?
A) There are 3 ways to handle this.
  • Escape all special chars like 'greater than' or 'lesser than'
  • Use <![CDATA[ ... ]]> to hold your JavaScript code
  • Put the JavaScript code in a separate .js file, and use in the JSF page
Q) How do I output HTML text in JSF? Do I need to use the 'verbatim' tag?
A) <h:outputtext escape="false" value="#{daBean.markedUpString}"></h:outputtext>

Q) Can I mix HTML tags with JSF tags?
A) You can. It is not as much as a pain as in JSF 1.x, but you need to be aware of issues.

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